Global Outdoors works by users self-selecting the outdoor activities in which they are interested, like your business! It works through a unique tagging system that combines visual markers with specific tags. Understanding tags is important, because tags are how customers will find your business.
Tags on Global Outdoors are arranged in two levels: Badge Tags and Specific Tags.
Badge Tags
When creating or editing your page, make sure you are tagging your business with the appropriate badge tags! This can simply be done by going to the "Edit" menu on the business page hub and checking the tags that apply.
Specific Tags
If you really want to get the most out of Global Outdoors, then you will want to include as many specific tags as you can! Specific tags cover things like species (yellow-tail fishing, for example), terrain, equipment, etc. The more tags you include the better our system can ensure perfect customers for you! To include tags on your page, simply navigate to the edit screen of your business page. Under the Badge Tags, you will see a box in which you can enter the tags you want. Tags that are already in the Global Outdoors database will show up in blue. Tags that are not will show up orange. If the tag isn't already in our database, that's okay! By including it you are helping make our service even better.
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